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Collapsible Ready

Collapsible is a disclosure component used to reveal additional content. It should contain a heading, followed by any additional content that is revealed on click.

Examples #

Open in new window
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam impedit, possimus minima repudiandae.

// Select the above component
var collapsible = document.querySelector("duet-collapsible")

// Listen for toggle events
collapsible.addEventListener("duetToggle", function (e) {
Open in new window
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam impedit, possimus minima repudiandae.
<duet-divider margin="small"></duet-divider>
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. </duet-collapsible>
<duet-divider margin="small"></duet-divider>
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. </duet-collapsible>
<duet-divider margin="small"></duet-divider>
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. </duet-collapsible>
Open in new window
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details" open>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Open in new window
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details" heading-weight="normal">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Open in new window
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details" heading-level="h1" heading-weight="normal" heading-size="x-small">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam impedit, possimus minima repudiandae.

<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details" heading-level="h2" heading-size="x-small">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam impedit, possimus minima repudiandae.

<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details" heading-level="h3" heading-size="large">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam impedit, possimus minima repudiandae.
Open in new window
duet-collapsible::part(duet-collapsible-after-heading) {
margin-left: auto;

<duet-collapsible heading-full-width heading="Click to open details">
<div slot="after-heading">
<duet-badge margin="none">Badge</duet-badge>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam impedit, possimus minima repudiandae.
Open in new window
duet-collapsible::part(duet-collapsible-heading-content) {
font-size: 1rem;

@media (min-width: 62em) {
duet-collapsible::part(duet-collapsible-heading-content) {
font-size: 1.25rem;

duet-collapsible::part(duet-collapsible-content) {
padding: 0;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
<duet-collapsible heading="Click to open details" headingSize="large" open="true">
<duet-table margin="none" breakpoint="none-scrollable">
<col />
<col />
<col class="duet-table-selected-column" />
<col />
<col />
<th width="45%" style="min-width: 180px">Vakuutus</th>
<th class="duet-text-center">Loisto&shy;kasko</th>
<th class="duet-text-center duet-color-secondary">Laaja kasko</th>
<th class="duet-text-center">Perus&shy;kasko</th>
<th class="duet-text-center">Osa&shy;kasko</th>
<duet-collapsible heading="Eläintörmäys" margin="none">
Eläintörmäysvakuutus korvaa, jos ajoneuvo törmää muuhun eläimeen kun hirvieläimeen. Väistämisestä
aiheutuneet vahingot korvataan kolarointi&shy;vakuutuksesta.
<td class="duet-text-center">
<duet-icon margin="none" size="x-small" name="messaging-checked-small" color="success"></duet-icon>
<duet-visually-hidden>Eläintörmäysvakuutus sisältyy.</duet-visually-hidden>
<td class="duet-text-center">
<duet-icon margin="none" size="x-small" name="messaging-checked-small" color="success"></duet-icon>
<duet-visually-hidden>Eläintörmäysvakuutus sisältyy.</duet-visually-hidden>
<td class="duet-text-center">
<duet-icon margin="none" size="x-small" name="messaging-checked-small" color="success"></duet-icon>
<duet-visually-hidden>Eläintörmäysvakuutus sisältyy.</duet-visually-hidden>
<td class="duet-text-center">
<duet-icon margin="none" size="x-small" name="messaging-checked-small" color="success"></duet-icon>
<duet-visually-hidden>Eläintörmäysvakuutus sisältyy.</duet-visually-hidden>

// Select the above component
var collapsible = document.querySelector("duet-collapsible")

// Listen for toggle events
collapsible.addEventListener("duetToggle", function (e) {

Properties #

Property Attribute Description Type Default
accessibleLabel accessible-label Adds accessible label for the collapsible that is only shown for screen readers. Typically, this label text replaces the visible text on the button for users who use assistive technology. string undefined
centerHeading center-heading Centers heading inside its container boolean false
heading heading The content for the collapsible heading. string ""
headingFullWidth heading-full-width Makes collapsible heading full width boolean false
headingLevel heading-level The actual heading level used for the heading in html markup. This setting exists for accessibility reasons. It doesn’t change the style visually. only variations of h1-h6 area accepted "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" undefined
headingSize heading-size Custom headingSize to be used for font size of heading, as a design token entered in kebab-case x-small -> font-size-x-small. Example: # 12px (0.75rem) ------ +2px (x-small) # 14px (0.875rem) ------ +2px (small) # 16px (1rem) ------ +2px (medium) # 20px (1.25rem) ------ +4px (large) # 24px (1.5rem) ------ +4px (x-large) # 36px (2.25rem) ------ +12px (xx-large) # 48px (3rem) ------ +12px (xxx-large) # 72px (4.5rem) ------ +24px (xxxx-large) "large" | "medium" | "small" | "x-large" | "x-small" | "xx-large" | "xxx-large" | "xxxx-large" undefined
headingWeight heading-weight The font weight of the heading "normal" | "semibold" "semibold"
margin margin Controls the margin of the component. "auto" | "none" "auto"
open open Is the component expanded or collapsed. boolean false
theme theme Theme of the collapsible. "" | "default" | "turva" ""

Events #

Event Description Type
duetToggle Event emitted when opened/closed CustomEvent<{ component: "duet-collapsible"; originalEvent: KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent; }>

Methods #

setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void> #

Sets focus on the specified duet-collapsible. Use this method instead of the global

Parameters #

Name Type Description
options FocusOptions

Returns #

Type: Promise<void>

Slots #

Slot Description
"after-heading" Content after the heading can be for example badges.

Shadow Parts #

Part Description
"duet-collapsible-after-heading" piercing selector for styling the after heading
"duet-collapsible-content" piercing selector for styling the content
"duet-collapsible-heading-content" piercing selector for styling the heading content

Usage #

This section includes guidelines for designers and developers about the usage of this component in different contexts.

When to use #

  • To hide information with lower priority.
  • To put long sentences of information under a section that user can expand or collapse.
  • In comparison tables to reveal additional information about insurance coverage.

When not to use #

  • For mandatory information or actions.
  • For hiding form elements.

Accessibility #

This component has been validated to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility guidelines. You can find additional information regarding accessibility of this component below.


For integration, event and theming guidelines, please see Using Components. This documentation explains how to implement and use Duet’s components across different technologies like Angular, React or Vanilla JavaScript.

Integration guidelines


Follow these practical tutorials to learn how to build simple page layouts using Duet’s CSS Framework, Web Components and other features:


Building Layouts


Using CLI Tools


Creating Custom Patterns


Server Side Rendering


Sharing Prototypes


Usage With Markdown


If you experience any issues while using a component, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and help.