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Combobox Review

ComboBox is used as an alternative to a select box, where many items must be chosen from

Examples #

Open in new window
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
<duet-combobox id="duet-combobox">
<duet-input label="Combobox Postalcode example" icon="form-location" expand caption="use arrow keys to navigate, type to search list"></duet-input>

(function() {
var combobox = document.querySelectorAll("#duet-combobox")

// Zipcode map to place
combobox[0].items = [
{id:0, value: "49200", name: "Heinlahti"},
{id:1, value: "49210", name: "Huutjärvi"},
{id:2, value: "49220", name: "Siltakylä"},
{id:3, value: "49240", name: "Purola"},
{id:4, value: "49270", name: "Something"},
{id:5, value: "49290", name: "Vastila"}

combobox[0].addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
console.log("Combobox value changed:", e.detail)

Open in new window
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
items='[{"id":"0", "value": "49200", "name": "Heinlahti"},{"id":"1", "value": "49210", "name": "Huutjärvi"}]'

<duet-input label="Anna postinumerosi" label-hidden icon="form-location"></duet-input>
Open in new window
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
<duet-combobox id="duet-combobox-custom-formatter" force>
<duet-input label="Combobox Postalcode with custom formatter & tags" placeholder="select a postal code" icon="form-location" expand caption="use arrow keys to navigate, type to search list"></duet-input>


var combobox = document.querySelectorAll("#duet-combobox-custom-formatter")
// Zipcode map to place
combobox[0].items = [
{id:0, value: "49200", name: "Heinlahti", tags: ["something else", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:1, value: "49210", name: "Huutjärvi", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:2, value: "49220", name: "Siltakylä", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:3, value: "49240", name: "Purola", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:4, value: "49270", name: "Something", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:5, value: "49290", name: "Vastila", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]}

combobox[0].formatter = (item ) => {
return item.value + "" +

combobox[0].addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
console.log("Combobox value changed:", e.detail)
Open in new window
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
<duet-combobox id="duet-combobox-custom-formatter-with-errorchecking" force>
<duet-input label="Combobox Postalcode with custom formatter & tags" placeholder="select a postal code" icon="form-location" expand caption="this will error out if value selected is not the first with id:49200"></duet-input>


var combobox = document.querySelectorAll("#duet-combobox-custom-formatter-with-errorchecking")
var input = document.querySelectorAll("duet-input")
// Zipcode map to place
combobox[0].items = [
{id:0, value: "49200", name: "Heinlahti", tags: ["something else", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:1, value: "49210", name: "Huutjärvi", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:2, value: "49220", name: "Siltakylä", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:3, value: "49240", name: "Purola", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:4, value: "49270", name: "Something", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]},
{id:5, value: "49290", name: "Vastila", tags: ["49200", "Heinlahti"]}

combobox[0].formatter = (item ) => {
return item.value + " ⊨ " +

combobox[0].addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
if(e.detail.value !== "49200") {
input[0].error = "Only postalcode with id:49200 is allowed as selection"
}else {
input[0].error = undefined
console.log("Combobox value changed:", e.detail)
Open in new window
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
<duet-combobox min-characters="3" id="duet-combobox-with-min-characters" >
<duet-input label="Combobox Postalcode example" icon="form-location" expand caption="use arrow keys to navigate, type to search list"></duet-input>


var combobox = document.querySelectorAll("#duet-combobox-with-min-characters")
// Zipcode map to place
combobox[0].items = [
{id:0, value: "49200", name: "Heinlahti"},
{id:1, value: "49210", name: "Huutjärvi"},
{id:2, value: "49220", name: "Siltakylä"},
{id:3, value: "49240", name: "Purola"},
{id:4, value: "49270", name: "Something"},
{id:5, value: "49290", name: "Vastila"}

combobox[0].addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
console.log("Combobox value changed:", e.detail)
Open in new window
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
<duet-combobox open-list-on-click id="duet-combobox-open-on-click">
<duet-input label="Combobox Postalcode example" icon="form-location" expand caption="use arrow keys to navigate, type to search list"></duet-input>


var combobox = document.querySelectorAll("#duet-combobox-open-on-click")
// Zipcode map to place
combobox[0].items = [
{id:0, value: "49200", name: "Heinlahti"},
{id:1, value: "49210", name: "Huutjärvi"},
{id:2, value: "49220", name: "Siltakylä"},
{id:3, value: "49240", name: "Purola"},
{id:4, value: "49270", name: "Something"},
{id:5, value: "49290", name: "Vastila"}

combobox[0].addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
console.log("Combobox value changed:", e.detail)

Open in new window
<duet-layout center>
<div slot="main">
<duet-combobox value="49240" id="duet-combobox-preselected-value">
<duet-input label="Combobox Postalcode example" icon="form-location" expand caption="use arrow keys to navigate, type to search list"></duet-input>

var combobox = document.querySelectorAll("#duet-combobox-preselected-value")
// Zipcode map to place
combobox[0].items = [
{id:0, value: "49200", name: "Heinlahti"},
{id:1, value: "49210", name: "Huutjärvi"},
{id:2, value: "49220", name: "Siltakylä"},
{id:3, value: "49240", name: "Purola"},
{id:4, value: "49270", name: "Something"},
{id:5, value: "49290", name: "Vastila"}

combobox[0].addEventListener("duetChange", function (e) {
console.log("Combobox value changed:", e.detail)


Properties #

Property Attribute Description Type Default
accessibleLabelDefaults accessible-label-defaults Placeholder defaults DuetLangObject | string { en: { heading: "Select:", item: "{name}, ({current} of {total})", itemFiltered: "{name}, ({current} of {total}, {hiddenItems} filtered)", }, fi: { heading: "Valitse:", item: "{name}, ({current}/{total})", itemFiltered: "{name}, ({current}/{total}, {hiddenItems} suodatettu)", }, sv: { heading: "Välj:", item: "{name}, ({current} av {total})", itemFiltered: "{name}, ({current} av {total}, {hiddenItems} filtrerade)", }, }
accessibleLabels -- Hint text to display before the user types into the date picker input. { [x: string]: string; } getLocaleString( this.accessibleLabelDefaults, getLanguage() )
filterType filter-type Defines if filtering of items should be done by includes or startsWith "includes" | "startsWith" "startsWith"
force force Force the user to make a selection (typing things in the input field will only be used for list search). This property also sync input value with selected value on blur. boolean false
formatter -- A hook to overwrite how the values are displayed in the input field after a User select an item (item: DuetComboboxItem) => string (item: DuetComboboxItem) => item && ? : ""
items items Array of item objects. any undefined
minCharacters min-characters Defines minimum number of characters that must be given to show search results number 1
openListOnClick open-list-on-click Defines if items list should always open after clicking on input boolean false
theme theme Theme of the combobox. "" | "default" | "turva" ""
value value Value of selected item/s string undefined

Events #

Event Description Type
duetChange Emitted when selected item changed. CustomEvent<{ originalEvent?: Event; component: "duet-combobox"; value: any; item: DuetComboboxItem; }>

Methods #

formatItem(item: DuetComboboxItem) => Promise<string> #

Exposes a formatter function to format the item value displayed after a user selects an item

Parameters #

Name Type Description
item { id?: number; value: any; name: string; html?: string; tags?: string[]; } : DuetComboboxItem

Returns #

Type: Promise<string>

Usage #

This section includes guidelines for designers and developers about the usage of this component in different contexts.

Normal usage with javascript #

Don't use the standard .value attribute to do any validation on, you should use the duetChange event instead - it provides better data for filtering

When to use #

  • As a more userfirendly alternative to a standard select box, however it should only be used when the number of items are unwieldy.

When not to use #

  • For small list of items
  • For items that have groupings

Accessibility #

This component has been validated to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility guidelines. You can find additional information regarding accessibility of this component below.


For integration, event and theming guidelines, please see Using Components. This documentation explains how to implement and use Duet’s components across different technologies like Angular, React or Vanilla JavaScript.

Integration guidelines


Follow these practical tutorials to learn how to build simple page layouts using Duet’s CSS Framework, Web Components and other features:


Building Layouts


Using CLI Tools


Creating Custom Patterns


Server Side Rendering


Sharing Prototypes


Usage With Markdown


If you experience any issues while using a component, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and help.