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Heading Ready

Headings are used as the titles of each major section of a page in the interface. For example, templates generally use headings as their title.

Heading element provides an option to change the level of the heading. Heading also includes an option that allows you to make e.g. h1 visually look like h3, but still keep it h1 in the HTML markup.

Examples #

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<duet-heading level="h1" visual-level="h0">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h1">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h3">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h4">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h5">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h6">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
Open in new window
<duet-heading level="h1" border>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2" border>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h3" border>Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h4" border>Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h5" border>Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h6" border>Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>

<duet-heading level="h1" border="solid">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2" border="solid">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h3" border="solid">Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h4" border="solid">Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h5" border="solid">Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h6" border="solid">Eläinvakuutus vaivattomasti</duet-heading>
Open in new window
<duet-heading level="h1" visual-level="h3">This heading is using h1 level, but looks like h3</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2" visual-level="h3">This heading is using h2 level, but looks like h3</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h3" visual-level="h3">This heading is using h3 level, but looks like h3</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h4" visual-level="h3">This heading is using h4 level, but looks like h3</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h5" visual-level="h3">This heading is using h5 level, but looks like h3</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h6" visual-level="h3">This heading is using h6 level, but looks like h3</duet-heading>
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<duet-heading level="h1" margin="none">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2" margin="none">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h3" margin="none">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h4" margin="none">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h5" margin="none">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h6" margin="none">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
Open in new window
<duet-heading level="h1" color="primary">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2" color="success">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h3" color="danger">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h4" color="gray-darker">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h5" color="category-family">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h6" color="category-finance">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
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<duet-heading weight="semibold" level="h2">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading weight="semibold" level="h3">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading weight="semibold" level="h4">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading weight="semibold" level="h5">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading weight="semibold" level="h6">Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
Open in new window
<duet-card padding="medium" style="max-width: 300px">
<duet-heading level="h2" visual-level="h3">Kuumailmalentopallolahjakortti 167 S B 3.krs</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2" visual-level="h3" hyphenate>Kuumailmalentopallolahjakortti 167 S B 3.krs</duet-heading>
Open in new window
<duet-heading level="h1" visual-level="h0" fixed-size>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h1" fixed-size>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h2" fixed-size>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h3" fixed-size>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h4" fixed-size>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h5" fixed-size>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>
<duet-heading level="h6" fixed-size>Quick brown fox jumps</duet-heading>

Properties #

Property Attribute Description Type Default
border border Enable or disable the border underneath the heading, solid will darken the border "solid" | boolean false
color color Custom color for the heading as a design token entered in camelCase or kebab-case. Example: "color-primary". string ""
fixedSize fixed-size Disable responsive font scaling. boolean false
hyphenate hyphenate Enable hyphenation for long titles. Useful when there is no control over content e.g. user-generated content. boolean false
level level The actual heading level used in the HTML markup. "div" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" "h2"
margin margin Controls the margin of the component. "auto" | "none" "auto"
theme theme Theme of the heading. "" | "default" | "turva" ""
visualLevel visual-level Make the visual style mimic a specific heading level. This option allows you to make e.g. h1 visually look like h3, but still keep it h1 in the markup. "h0" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" undefined
weight weight This property allows you to set normal or semibold font weight for all sizes when needed. "auto" | "normal" | "semibold" "auto"

Shadow Parts #

Part Description
"duet-heading" piercing selector for styling the heading element that should be used only in special circumstances

Usage #

This section includes guidelines for designers and developers about the usage of this component in different contexts.

When to use #

  • As the title of a section or a sub-section in a page.
  • To support the hierarchy of the page.

When not to use #

  • For style alone.

Accessibility #

This component has been validated to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility guidelines. You can find additional information regarding accessibility of this component below.


For integration, event and theming guidelines, please see Using Components. This documentation explains how to implement and use Duet’s components across different technologies like Angular, React or Vanilla JavaScript.

Integration guidelines


Follow these practical tutorials to learn how to build simple page layouts using Duet’s CSS Framework, Web Components and other features:


Building Layouts


Using CLI Tools


Creating Custom Patterns


Server Side Rendering


Sharing Prototypes


Usage With Markdown


If you experience any issues while using a component, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and help.